Error fetching command 'build_solr_schema': The 'solr' backend requires the installation of 'pysolr'. Please refer to the documentation. Command 'build_solr_schema' skipped 错误提示: Error fetching command 'build_solr_schema': The 'solr' backend requires the installation of 'pysolr'. Please ... continue reading django zhuoyuebiji 2020-5-21 950
Django AttributeError: 'Query' object has no attribute '_filtered_relations' Django 从 1.11 迁移到 Django 2 报错: AttributeError: 'Query' object has no attribute '_filtered_relations' ... continue reading django zhuoyuebiji 2020-5-20 255
'django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware' must be in MIDDLEWARE in order to use the admin application. 错误环境 django 1.11 迁移到 django 2 错误日志 ERRORS: ?: (admin.E408) 'django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMid ... continue reading django zhuoyuebiji 2020-5-20 420
Django2 TypeError: RedirectView() received an invalid keyword 're_path'. as_view only accepts arguments that are already attributes of the class. django2 报错: TypeError: RedirectView() received an invalid keyword 're_path'. as_view only accepts arguments t ... continue reading django zhuoyuebiji 2020-5-20 492
How to Add a Text Filter to Django Admin(筛选条件自定义输入) When creating a new Django Admin page a common conversation between the developer and the support personal might sound l ... continue reading django zhuoyuebiji 2020-5-19 167
Fiddler 5.0.20202.18177 AutoResponder Rule Editor window move to top not at bottom v5.0.20202.18177 for .NET 4.6.1 Built: 2020-4-14 AutoResponder of Rule Editor window at top ... continue reading 软件测试 zhuoyuebiji 2020-5-13 233
Redis 执行命令报错:MISCONF Redis is configured to save RDB snapshots, but it is currently not able to persist on disk 错误日志:> flushall (error) MISCONF Redis is configured to save RDB snapshots, but it is currently n ... continue reading 计算机基础 zhuoyuebiji 2020-5-11 226
Mac 12 连接 VPN 的配置步骤(Mac 12 连接 vpn 的解决办法) VPN 账号(假设) 服务器地址: IPSec 预共享密钥:vvv12345678 账户名称:vpn 连接密码:vpn@12345678i 进入 网络偏好设置 系统设置 -& ... continue reading 计算机基础 zhuoyuebiji 2020-5-10 18670
Django2.2 + mysql + pymysql: django.db.utils.InternalError: (1366, "Incorrect string value 解决方案 现象: 部分含 emoji 表情的字符无法存入 mysql 前提: 数据库已设置字符格式 utf8mb4 错误信息: 解决方案: django  ... continue reading django zhuoyuebiji 2020-5-7 199
谷歌 chrome 搜索结果在新标签页中打开 1. 谷歌搜索结果页面,找到“搜索设置入口” 2. 搜索结果 里找到“在新的浏览器窗口中打开所选的每条搜索结果” 3 . 点击“保存&rdqu ... continue reading 计算机基础 zhuoyuebiji 2020-5-7 167