

django-haystack 让检索结果开头不缩略显示(完全显示)

用 haystack 做检索,检索的关键词前面被缩略显示了即显示 "...",有时候会造成一些麻烦。



如何配置 haystack 检索请看:django-haystack 全文检索


1. 修改 joyoo\blog\templatetags\highlighting.py

# encoding: utf-8

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

from django.utils.html import strip_tags

class Highlighter(object):
    css_class = 'highlighted'
    html_tag = 'span'
    max_length = 200
    text_block = ''

    def __init__(self, query, **kwargs):
        self.query = query

        if 'max_length' in kwargs:
            self.max_length = int(kwargs['max_length'])

        if 'html_tag' in kwargs:
            self.html_tag = kwargs['html_tag']

        if 'css_class' in kwargs:
            self.css_class = kwargs['css_class']

        self.query_words = set([word.lower() for word in self.query.split() if not word.startswith('-')])

    def highlight(self, text_block):
        self.text_block = strip_tags(text_block)
        highlight_locations = self.find_highlightable_words()
        # print(highlight_locations)

        # 检索结果不缩略显示 - 此处有修改,增加一个返回值 text_pre
        text_pre = ""
        for key, values in highlight_locations.items():
            # print(key, values)
            if values:
                if values[0] > 100:
                    text_pre = self.text_block[0: 100] + "..."
                    text_pre = self.text_block[0: values[0]]
        start_offset, end_offset = self.find_window(highlight_locations)

        return self.render_html(highlight_locations, start_offset, end_offset, text_pre)
        # return self.render_html(highlight_locations, start_offset, end_offset)

    def find_highlightable_words(self):
        # Use a set so we only do this once per unique word.
        word_positions = {}

        # Pre-compute the length.
        end_offset = len(self.text_block)
        lower_text_block = self.text_block.lower()

        for word in self.query_words:
            if not word in word_positions:
                word_positions[word] = []

            start_offset = 0

            while start_offset < end_offset:
                next_offset = lower_text_block.find(word, start_offset, end_offset)

                # If we get a -1 out of find, it wasn't found. Bomb out and
                # start the next word.
                if next_offset == -1:

                start_offset = next_offset + len(word)

        return word_positions

    def find_window(self, highlight_locations):
        best_start = 0
        best_end = self.max_length

        # First, make sure we have words.
        if not len(highlight_locations):
            return (best_start, best_end)

        words_found = []

        # Next, make sure we found any words at all.
        for word, offset_list in highlight_locations.items():
            if len(offset_list):
                # Add all of the locations to the list.

        if not len(words_found):
            return (best_start, best_end)

        if len(words_found) == 1:
            return (words_found[0], words_found[0] + self.max_length)

        # Sort the list so it's in ascending order.
        words_found = sorted(words_found)

        # We now have a denormalized list of all positions were a word was
        # found. We'll iterate through and find the densest window we can by
        # counting the number of found offsets (-1 to fit in the window).
        highest_density = 0

        if words_found[:-1][0] > self.max_length:
            best_start = words_found[:-1][0]
            best_end = best_start + self.max_length

        for count, start in enumerate(words_found[:-1]):
            current_density = 1

            for end in words_found[count + 1:]:
                if end - start < self.max_length:
                    current_density += 1
                    current_density = 0

                # Only replace if we have a bigger (not equal density) so we
                # give deference to windows earlier in the document.
                if current_density > highest_density:
                    best_start = start
                    best_end = start + self.max_length
                    highest_density = current_density

        return (best_start, best_end)

    def render_html(self, highlight_locations=None, start_offset=None, end_offset=None, text_pre=None):
        # def render_html(self, highlight_locations=None, start_offset=None, end_offset=None):
        # Start by chopping the block down to the proper window.
        text = self.text_block[start_offset:end_offset]

        # Invert highlight_locations to a location -> term list
        term_list = []

        for term, locations in highlight_locations.items():
            term_list += [(loc - start_offset, term) for loc in locations]

        loc_to_term = sorted(term_list)

        # Prepare the highlight template
        if self.css_class:
            hl_start = '<%s class="%s">' % (self.html_tag, self.css_class)
            hl_start = '<%s>' % (self.html_tag)

        hl_end = '</%s>' % self.html_tag

        # Copy the part from the start of the string to the first match,
        # and there replace the match with a highlighted version.
        highlighted_chunk = ""
        matched_so_far = 0
        prev = 0
        prev_str = ""

        for cur, cur_str in loc_to_term:
            # This can be in a different case than cur_str
            actual_term = text[cur:cur + len(cur_str)]

            # Handle incorrect highlight_locations by first checking for the term
            if actual_term.lower() == cur_str:
                if cur < prev + len(prev_str):

                highlighted_chunk += text[prev + len(prev_str):cur] + hl_start + actual_term + hl_end
                prev = cur
                prev_str = cur_str

                # Keep track of how far we've copied so far, for the last step
                matched_so_far = cur + len(actual_term)

        # Don't forget the chunk after the last term
        highlighted_chunk += text[matched_so_far:]

        # 检索结果不缩略显示 - 此处有修改, highlighted_chunk 加上关键词前面的内容
        if start_offset > 0:
            # highlighted_chunk = '...%s' % highlighted_chunk
            highlighted_chunk = '%s%s' % (text_pre, highlighted_chunk)

        if end_offset < len(self.text_block):
            highlighted_chunk = '%s...' % highlighted_chunk

        return highlighted_chunk

2. 在 settings.py 配置 haystack 使用自定义高亮函数:

# Handle a user-defined highlighting function. 处理用户定义的突出显示函数。
HAYSTACK_CUSTOM_HIGHLIGHTER = "blog.templatetags.highlighting.Highlighter"


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下一篇: django runserver: UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xb6 in position 0: invalid start byte